Post by moonotmo on Nov 30, 2004 14:08:25 GMT -5
Name the constitutional provision that would require those who break a theoretical ban on gay marriage to be thrown into a bathtub filled with acid, as was Saddam's policy with the Abu Ghraib prison. No such provision exists, nor was it recommended. Therefore there are two different plains of principle here. Get over your liberal penchant for hyperbole and exaggeration and start seeing things for what they are. I made a really simple point, one that you just seem incapable of grasping. Leaders around the world make decisions on how their public should live their lives. Who are the Taliban/Saddam to tell people how to live their lives? - most leaders do it. My point was about how lots of leaders tell people how to live. The scale of the repercussions for breaking the rules are another matter entirely. This was never my point. As for your recent political loss, who can you blame but yourself and your party. Bush isn't the only candidate who was capable of winning: which is why you and your Donkey (JACKASS) party should have been smart enough to choose someone more qualified to gain the support of more of America. But donkeys have never been known for their intelligence. The very fact that Democrats chose that animal as their representative speaks volumes as to their mental capacities. I am not a member of the democratic party, nor have I ever stated that I was. I am hardly impressed with John Kerry, nor have I ever said I have been. I never said anything about "my recent political loss" - and don't really have a clue what you're going on about here. You seem to have gone right off on a tangent. Yes, much has evolved since 1776-- among other things, our national sovereignty and ever growing grip on the world. Those of us who've worked for it do not intend to throw such power away. In 1776, we explained to you folks (the world) that we don't give a damn what you think. Apparently, a few stoners have given you the impression that we've changed our minds. Sorry about that. As I said, it seems that some people's opinion of the world hasn't evolved. But hey, it's not like you give a damn what I think, eh? Now go suck on a rainbow lolly-pop you pathetic little homo. And a dick, if you're so inclined. Meanwhile, those of us who care about American morality will continue our discussion. That's cute. Nahhh..... I'm telling him and you it doesn't exist. So now trot out all the tired old facts and figures most of which were misconstrued or deliberately distorted and show me that it does. Keep in mind that for every website you present there at two in oppostiton. Many things occuring everywhere is the result of nature doing it's natural thing. Cycling. You're an idiot. There, you made me say it. Ok, so I take it that every single one of the following sites have misconstrued, or deliberately distorted the truth? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50. It's pretty much accepted now that global warming exists. Though I am eagerly awaiting you to show me twice as many websites in return, which would obviously conclusively prove to me that it does not exist. Oh, and if you think that the Earth getting warmer because of "cycling" isn't global warming, you're wrong. Global warming means the world getting warmer. This means that the globe (i.e. the world / Earth / this planet) is getting warmer (i.e. hotter / increasing in temperature / etc). Hence the term "global warming." It implies that the planet that we are living on is getting hotter over time. This is global warming. But, hey! You're right; why blow this out of proportion, eh? By the time the Earth has become considerably warmer, we won't be here anymore. The heck with it! It's not our problem! Rights are GOD Given and Constitution guaranteed. Oh no, Somehow religion and/or personal beliefs have made it into the topic. Run away! Run away! You're right to light matches stops at my property. You're right to throw a punch stops at my nose. And my right to gay marriage stops at your...?
Post by Patriot on Nov 30, 2004 14:24:44 GMT -5
Now I understand why you chose that name!
Go ahead. Get a gay marriage in whatever states allow it (not many). The American people have spoken in mass disapproval of the homosexual lifestyle on the recent ballots. If you truly desire to get your ass *censored*ed, be our guest. Get aids, cut your lifespan short, and die.
In case you haven't noticed, America is on our side-- not yours. Check the political map.
Post by BOLO on Nov 30, 2004 17:52:36 GMT -5
No one made you say it. Petulance drove you to it. Yep. Every one is wrong, they distort or outright lie, and like I said it's two to one. You bother to find any that negates your premise? No. Of course not. You want to believe there is Global Warming? Do so. If it is warm where you are try turning to God and move the other way. (Didn't mean to scare you, I used the name of God.) www.globalwarming.org/I'm not going to site all of them. Quantity does not mean quality. Just quantity. 600 people yelling the same thing over and over again does not make it true just because there are 600 people saying it. False premise. It is not generally accepted. Don't wait too long. Re-read my above sentence. (As an aside, you were not waiting eagerly, you just made that up pretty much the way Liberal think tank scientist make up Global Warming) There will never be conclusive proof for you or your kind. You are not able to accept reality. You accept perceived reality. The one you perceive. It is out of step with the rest of (majority) us. Except for the fact the earth is not getting warmer, you might have something there. www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/globalwarming.html#Q3What we see here is nature cycling. Period. You don't mention the fact that certain parts of the world, the seas in particular, are getting colder. Global Freezing? You want to run around yelling the sky is falling? Go ahead, some of the chickens will run around with you. None of the other animals with common sense will join you. So then...you won't know for sure either will you??? You got a date on that? You replied; Are you running? Would not surprise me. Don't look, you are going to be shocked and awed and insulted as well as frightened. My right along, with the majority, to determine what constitutes a marriage. I will not allow Homo to marry Homo or Woman to marry beast or Man to marry boy or Boy to marry sister. A decision was made as to what constitutes a marriage. I see no reason to change it. Ergo your right stops at the threshold of those legal rights or privileges already determined. In case you are not aware of it and you probably are not, getting married is not a right, it is a privilege. It is a recognition of the bible and it's practices. It has been made into law, as has much of the bible. Are you running? Of course you are, from your own fear, of that you don't understand, and that which overwhelms you. mene, mene, tekel, upharisin.
Post by scrap on Nov 30, 2004 22:03:40 GMT -5
mene, mene, tekel, upharisin.
E pluribus unum
Post by BOLO on Dec 1, 2004 20:23:40 GMT -5
Ipso Facto ;D
Post by scrap on Dec 2, 2004 8:13:59 GMT -5
Quid pro quo
Post by groucho on Dec 2, 2004 17:46:03 GMT -5
Moon, Now I understand why you chose that name! Go ahead. Get a gay marriage in whatever states allow it (not many). The American people have spoken in mass disapproval of the homosexual lifestyle on the recent ballots. If you truly desire to get your ass *censored*ed, be our guest. Get aids, cut your lifespan short, and die. In case you haven't noticed, America is on our side-- not yours. Check the political map. And don't whine about SEEING RED, either!!! ;D
Post by groucho on Dec 2, 2004 17:48:16 GMT -5
mene, mene, tekel, upharisin. Pepto Bismol?? ;D ;D
Post by BOLO on Dec 2, 2004 21:13:33 GMT -5
Vis a Vis Ex lax
Post by scrap on Dec 2, 2004 21:50:15 GMT -5
Vis a Vis Ex lax And that brings us right back to a...hole Vinny. I believe we've come full circle. Hasta luego
Post by UncleVinny on Dec 3, 2004 10:13:26 GMT -5
Hey, not to worry, Moon,
I just figured out that when the glaciers melt, guess what - the first state to be flooded will be Florida! Blessing in disguise. Judging by the way they fix elections, a bush will still be in office then. With any luck, Texas will go underwater next.
So have patience. They will see. Already there are more rumors of a draft, of cuts in Social Security Of inflation based on the massive deficits, and the plunging dollar. Of protests over the trashing of the environment (salmon in particular) Hubris will get bush.
Post by moonotmo on Dec 3, 2004 11:32:16 GMT -5
Hey, not to worry, Moon, I just figured out that when the glaciers melt, guess what - the first state to be flooded will be Florida! Blessing in disguise. Judging by the way they fix elections, a bush will still be in office then. With any luck, Texas will go underwater next. That's interesting. How did you figure that out? Well, living here in London we've already noticed some of the effects. Heck, the thames barrier - London's main protection against floods from rising river levels, has been raised more times recently than when it was first built, and living 5 minutes away from the river, it's something you tend to notice. I don't see why "I'm not able to accept reality", when the sodding evidence is just down my road. But clearly, these news stories that show this are just distorting the truth, as usual! All the news stories deliberately do so, just to make us scared about absolutely nothing! Silly us! Not to mention the reports commissioned by the governing bodies of the world do the same thing. They purposly tells us there's global warming when there isn't, to waste our money finding "clean" sources for fuel. Sneeky! Of course, the rising water levels aren't caused by global warming; they're caused by someone leaving the tap on further up our river! No wait, they're caused by fish breeding more than usual in the last few decades, causing the sea level to rise! Now that's the truth. Obviously. Damn, sometimes sense just evades people. I won't bother replying to you BOLO, there's a number of things that's just plain wrong in your post, but when people accuse facts shown by evidence or reports or anything like that as distorting the truth, or even outright lying, you can't prove anything. I'd probably get shunted for saying the Earth revolves around the Sun (- get ready for it, "scientists are making that "fact" up and are distorting the truth"). Interesting stuff about global warming.
Post by Patriot on Dec 3, 2004 11:47:59 GMT -5
Vinny you worthless piece of crap,
Get this through your g-ddamned head. First, this is not the first time our forces have been spread thin. Hell, we've been spread thin more often than not, when you look at the majority of our wars. It's not the quantity of troops that win a war; it's the quality of their training and equipment. That's why we will win. That's why we always have won.
As for a draft, I wouldn't be opposed to it. Cowards like you are afraid of things like this. What you don't understand, you womanish transexual of a man, is that every culture has always relied on a draft in time of national crisis beginning with Sparta.
The good news for you, though, is that this is nowehere near a national crisis. I swear to God you are a disgrace to this country. It's people like you who are contributing to our weakening society. You've gotten fat on the liberties purchased by the blood of others. If you want to live like a free man, you better be prepared to fight like one.
It is better to die on your feet, than live on your knees.
And who gives a pidly crap what the British think. We already know their sorry character in warfare. Why consult an old enemy that we've beaten twice? As if we need the advice of some panzy "honorable mister" in Parliament to dictate our national agenda. Just stuff it, Moon boy.
Post by UncleVinny on Dec 3, 2004 12:43:19 GMT -5
Thanks for all the love and kindness. That must be what they call "compassionate conservatism."
No, not agaist the troops. Against a PRE-EMPTIVE war. The first time the US has engaged in such a foolish policy. Against the moron that sent us to Iraq, instead of after Bin Laden. No wonder they went in there half heartedly! They KNEW it was wrong. Dying for democracy? Gimme a break. Dying for Halliburton and the oil fields would be more like the truth. So you have a fool who loves war, and many more fools who support that policy! See why I feel so bad for this country? bush used the 9/11 attacks for his oil buddies. Wake up and smell the truth.
Post by Patriot on Dec 3, 2004 13:37:18 GMT -5
edited for profanity