{Fact: 2/3 of the men who served in Vietnam were volunteers. 2/3 of the men who served in World War II were drafted. Approximately 70% of those killed in Vietnam were volunteers. }
The large majority of Men serving in the Armed Forces during Viet Nam were Volunteers. A small % were drafted. (See above)
This little statement of yours, had you truly been of my generation, would have equated to an accusation of
Ergo, my substituting the word was a Faux Pas based on the language of my generation.
You still made a derogatory statement where he is concerned.
Understand this. I am not a Republican. I have problems with President Bush on several issues, all of which are Domestic and Constitutionally associated.
However, he was no Draft Dodger and you can not prove that. Does that make everyone that got a deferment a draft dodger? (There were many, including a certain Arkansas born sex addict) No. Unless you are willing to take one paint brush and apply a coat of paint to everyone. Which, in that case, makes
you wrong. Which you already are.
All you are doing is making childish assertions based on Liberal beliefs and the fact that you all lost. It's nothing more than Nya,Nya. Immature to the max.
Did you fly one of the meanest Jets around with a reputation for being a widow maker? No. Why not?
Did you dodge that onerous duty?
Liberals don't do that?
Are you going to continue pressing this asinine idea that your argument or assertions are cognizant and special because you presented on a different and higher plain?
Your presentation was specious at best. It's been ripped apart and found to have no foundation making it tenuous also.
Are you a practitioner of Neologism?
Which is exactly what they do all the time and has nothing to do with your homily. It deserved to be torn apart as it was not true or accurate. It did not describe Conservatives. I nailed the Liberals. Tear it apart, if you can.
That person was later deemed to be a liar and facts were produced to prove he did not have one damn thing to do with President Bush going in to the Texas Air National Guard. Now that's a fact jack so how do you go about denying both the truth and a fact?
BTW the liar was a Liberal and was not even in office when the application was made.
I wouldn't know. We did not have any Kids serving over there when I was there for my three tours. They are
kids when it serves your purpose and men when it does not. Typical Liberal.
If your HS is Pa, that is a place I know well. Show me some Stats and well talk. Otherwise I do not think Pa had the highest losses of
men of all the states.
See above. Specious. Incorrect, and an insult to all. Draft Dodgers were those who went to other Countries such as Canada to escape the draft. You really are not of my generation at all. What is laughably funny is that the great majority of those who fled where not even in danger of being drafted. The very large majority of us that served in Nam did not care about these idiots and we did not want them serving with us.
You keep wanting to assign blame and responsibility to everyone but the individual that owns it. Saddam. That's all folks. Saddam brought down on his own head what happened. Saddam was responsible for what happened to him no one else.
And that is
not just me that is 60 million other believers.
That is your unconsidered and unsubstantiated opinion.
N. Korea is not the danger you make it out to be, and 'yes' I served there too, right on the DMZ. I was there three years in South Korea. My ex wife was a Korean and her parents were from N Korea. The danger they present is to themselves. Not even the Chinese are going to put up with them playing with nuclear weapons. One indication that they fired, and Blooey, no more NK. Horseradish. Try that boogie man on some one else it won't work on the intelligent masses, which we are.
Now that is pure HorseS. It is (for the last time) Soldiers fighting the war that bring it to an end. If you think a Commander can do it, then let's just let the Commanders go out and administrate each other to death. As one that has fought in a War I can tell you that would suit me just fine. However after they administrate each other to death the reasons for the conflict will still exist and the fight will continue until one side is so defeated they surrender.
Commanders worth their Salt will tell you that the War is won by soldiers. (Which is why I suspect you never served) You talk strategy. No strategy survives contact. Not one, not ever. The terminology is "The President or Commander led his troops too Victory". Not, "The President or Commander fought on to victory". Troops do that. Not Commanders.
You only read part of History don't you?
Not true. What you are referring to was a physically and spiritually exhausted military and only a few units at that, that had grown weary and despondent and had low morale. These were called Trench Mutinies and did not last long. Most notable was the Nivelle offensive.
All involved Non American Units and most happened before we got there. It was morale more than anything else. My grand Father was with the 81st Pennsylvania (Inf Regiment, now a Division) in WW I. He had five purple hearts. Doesn't sound like some one that sat in a trench.
Those occasions were few and far between. Most notable was those that occurred at Christmas time. The facts are the War was fought and won. It did not die aborning or go away.
I do not defend President Bush the facts do. You need to read more, or less, of that Liberal distortion.
Every assertion you have made has been untrue.
No Kidding. Nam was tough? Wow, who would have thunk it. Rich kids did what? In my unit were two members of a very blue blooded family. Millionaires in their own right. sitting on top of my Trac with M14's in hand. B.S.
You simply do not know what you are talking about.
My younger brother got a deferment. We were certainly not rich on a U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Classer's pay. Wake up man. Smell the coffee. Real life is not what you read in Liberal rags.
Waffle House any one? Want to order out or eat in?
Your intent was quite clear and playing with words or parsing sentences will not bail you out.
Eisenhower was a Conservative Republican as Conservative Republicans were defined at the time.
Classic Democrats still existed but were being replaced by Liberals. Many switched parties rather than stick around for that eventuality. Which is how the Republican Party ended up with Thurmond and some others.
President Bush is more left than right.
He is a Republican (more than a Conservative) but not a hardliner and drifts toward center more than anything else.
Checkers thanks you for the visit to the library.
Yes. Erroneous cultural thought but cultural thought never the less.
The repeated action is the continual assault on reality by Liberals through the distortion of facts by the same.
Ones I disagreed with and ones you could not support.
Here is a picture of my driver (rich kid too, had a degree, and everything including a House in Palo Alto Caif.), and my trac as we relax in the, anything but tough, VieNam War.
www.afreeimagehost.com/upload/1433/Cua Viet 7.bmp[/IMG]
A Liberal is someone that has never walked any other way than sideways and away from reality. (Author: Me)