Post by MO on Sept 4, 2003 4:44:51 GMT -5
Julius- As best I can tell he/she is speaking of the word "generalised" in which we use a z. I only see Brits spelling it the way you did. There is even another Brit on this board who spelled it with an s. You see, American liberals only talk about embracing and accepting other people's cultures. They don't think to practice it!
Post by lordjulius7 on Sept 4, 2003 4:56:54 GMT -5
Ah. Not very multi-cultural of him. I'm suing for emotional distress caused by lack of cultural sensitivity.
Post by Favre on Sept 4, 2003 12:25:00 GMT -5
"As least he can spell."
Um, anyone see anything wrong with that sentence?
Post by garrett7855 on Sept 5, 2003 21:42:06 GMT -5
>:(S'kewz me, but didn eny ov ya'll reed duh groun rewlz bout spellun? Las tyme ah loooked, et wuz raght up der at duh biginnin o duh saght. ;D
Post by Hale on Oct 8, 2004 16:33:35 GMT -5
That was a typing error, not a spelling error.
Post by MO on Oct 8, 2004 16:57:25 GMT -5
Well thanks so much for clearing that up for me! I know it's been on my mind for over a year and I just haven't been able to sleep.
Post by BOLO on Oct 8, 2004 19:53:41 GMT -5
As to Old Ironside. I doubt any claim he makes. Doesn't ring true. As to his statements the only one I saw that was true was the one about shock and awe. That part is over. Since you can not prove a negative how do we know that no WMD exist? Since there have been reports that it has been found, and that attempts to use it were made. Now as to Stockpiles. No. No stockpiles were found. (Yet). Reports indicate they were taken out of the Country to Iran and Syria and a few other places. How do you Liberals plan on proving that they were not? I am sure such common sense conclusions are beyond your intellectual grasp. Don't strain. One American Soldier a day? Nice stat. Pull it out of your arse? Not true. Yet I sense that typical Liberal attitude. "I will Lie and you will believe" accompanied by the usual Our Troops are dying for nothing" garbage. Since you have no use for the troops don't worry about it. We will fight, and die, as we have always done, for our Country, and our beliefs, but mostly for our buddies. You go on worrying about the next lie out of your mouth. Ties to Al and the boys are well established. You want to deny them. Do so. That means you are the one living in a fantasy world. Not us. It has been shown several times that the assessment of the Uranium shopping was correct. You are still in your fantasy world. Shoddy Intel? Well now. You mean the Intel that even the UN Believed. The same Intel John Kerry and Edwards believed? That Intel? Tenet was a Democrat wasn't he? May be you have something there. N. Korea is a threat to Liberals, not the world. One suggestion that they were going to launch a Nuke and Pfft. No more N. Korea. None of this was opinion. It was diatribe straight out of the Liberal Handbook on talking points and other errata. Subtitled "How to lie somewhat convincingly" You failed. www.afreeimagehost.com/upload/1433/Dangerous Place.gif[/IMG] Try www. hairbrainedliberal.com for family fun. Watch Liberals as they Lie, squirm, and maneuver, to tell the next idiotic lie to the world.
Post by BOLO on Oct 8, 2004 19:59:24 GMT -5
Post by BOLO on Oct 8, 2004 20:13:09 GMT -5
Okay...you are Paleased. Now what did you have to say? Something about Bubba? Isn't he the one that blew up an aspirin factory while having sex with an Intern. Ah. Yes. Notable achievements in life. Now who were you comparing him to? That has been discussed to death. A Bill Clinton is is different from the rest of the world's is. We will use the standard is. You stay stuck with the Clinton is. (Nebulous) Agent Orange said: Agent orange should have his filthy mouth washed out. The blood of Patriots is demeaned by his diatribe and insults. Quinwound said: Yeah. Nothing. www.afreeimagehost.com/upload/1433/Flag on USA Avatar.gif[/IMG]