Post by groucho on Mar 12, 2005 1:56:40 GMT -5
Patriot and TNR make excellent points, but let's cut to the chase; there will never be "equal rights" for anyone, if we allow Roe v. Wade to stand, or doesn't the basic right to exist matter anymore? Save all your high-minded ideals for a better time and place; they hardly matter if society can't even agree on when life "begins" for crap's sake!! You gotta learn to walk before you can run........
Post by Patriot on Mar 12, 2005 2:03:16 GMT -5
...and no matter how hard you're ultimately able to run, you'll never be able to fly...
Post by Ian on Mar 12, 2005 11:38:15 GMT -5
...and even if they were able to soar, they'd find their petite, idealistic wings burned, from flying too close to the Sun...
Post by Patriot on Mar 12, 2005 15:09:42 GMT -5
Hark, do I hear the cries of Icarus, as he hurdles headlong through the stratosphere toward Al Sharpton's garage...
Post by Ian on Mar 12, 2005 17:10:27 GMT -5
No. I believe it's Chahnameed.
Post by Patriot on Mar 12, 2005 17:45:36 GMT -5
Chahnameed? I do hope you're joking, dear Ian. Twas Icarus whose wings were scorched.
But on to other matters. The entirety of the EWA smacks of irrelevance. I advocate an immediate discussion by Bishops on the EWA!
Post by ArchBishopJohnson on Mar 12, 2005 17:53:14 GMT -5
How thoughtful of you, Patriot, to invoke a sacrosanct investigation on a matter of irrelevance. As we at Saint Dawg Diocese have little else to do, I suppose we must look after all questions raised by the flock.
And so I shall commence a brief homily.
EWA, what a ludicrous slap in the face of the Almighty. Our glorious God has decreed that some men are doomed to destruction, others, predestined to eternal life with Jesus Christ the righteous. Jesus was not a sissy, he hated sinners as much as his Daddy. Indeed, though he walked and talked amongst the heathen, he did so with the utmost duress!
Everyone is not equal in the eyes of God. Some are vessels of wrath, some are vessels of clay, others of silver or gold, sayeth the Apostle Paul. Some have high cholestrol, others, high blood pressure, and to those who have more, shall more be given.
Bishop Wood, care to chime in?
Post by Ian on Mar 12, 2005 17:53:25 GMT -5
You are correct, yet the Icarus fact was never in dispute. Chahnameed surly could not fly, for he was a glutton! Yet his gluttonous always led him to where the food was, thus it twas Chahnameed you heard hurdling towards Al Sharpton's garage and his stockpile of Hostess HoHos, or shall I say HoeHoes. After such a long history, I would like to think you would afford me more confidence dear Patriot. Perhaps it twas my Indian mythology reference that threw you.
Post by ArchBishopJohnson on Mar 12, 2005 18:06:18 GMT -5
Whilst engaged in this subject of human equality, might I also take this opportunity to offer a word of godly admonition, Christlike counsel, and biblical chastisement against that ever-encroaching, dangerous dogma, known as "universalism" as it pertains to equality in the eyes of the Almighty.
Does merely believing Jesus is the son of God mean you'll go to Heaven? Of course not. If Adolf Hitler believed Jesus is the son of God, does that mean he's in Heaven notwithstanding all the American soldiers he killed? Of course not. If Lee Harvey Oswald believed Jesus is the son of God, does that mean he's in Heaven despite killing a President of the United States? Of course not. If O.J. Simpson believes Jesus is the son of God, does that mean he's going to Heaven even though he married a white woman? Of course not.
I've pointed out to some of these liberal Gore lovers that God has historically hated sinners and frequently condemned them to painful deaths. For instance, as a lesson to those who have the audacity to show physical love for the same gender, God incinerated the genitals, mouths and every other orifice involved in such sexual practices in the towns of Sodom and Gomorra (Genesis 19:24-25). As a lesson to those who are fat and sloppy, God struck a town of gluttons with a vicious plague which made that last drumstick taste none-too-good and wiped out every living person (Numbers 11:33-34). As a lesson to youngsters who fail to be seen and not heard, God sent a bear to maul to death a couple dozen children who had teased a bald man (2 Kings 2:23-24). And during one particularly bad mood, God threw the lessons out the window and killed every man, woman, child and infant on the planet (except Noah's family) with a Great Flood (Genesis 7:23).
The smell of blood and roasted corpses was not just pleasing to God, who especially enjoyed the aroma after the Great Flood (Genesis 8:21), It was enjoyed by Jesus as well. Jesus certainly wasn't averse to malicious, virulent punishments to those who didn't accept His every word as Gospel. To name but a few, Jesus told the disciples to bring before Him any man who didn't believe in Him, and to violently slaughter the non-believer while Jesus watched (Luke 19:27). Jesus killed one man by having his body eaten by a swarm of worms because the man failed to give Jesus His due (Acts 12:23). Jesus struck a Jew blind for thwarting His teachings (Acts 13:8-11). He struck a man dumb for failing to listen well (Luke 1:20). He took the lives of a husband and wife by scaring them to death for not forking over all the money they made on a real estate transaction (Acts 5:1-10). During one particularly temperamental time when Jesus was hungry, He even killed a fig tree for failing to bear figs, even though Jesus knew figs weren't in season (Mark 11:12-14). Jesus means business!
But the clearest proof of the Son's wrath are his promises to inflict unconscionable pain and suffering on those who decline to follow His and His Father's word. Jesus said sinners cannot enter Heaven. All sinners, most notably, those who engage in premarital sex will be forever estranged from God. "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)."
And what happens to sinners since they cannot enter Heaven? Come Judgment Day, they shall be gathered together and hurled into a furnace of fire where there will be uncontrollable wailing and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 13:41-42, 50). Entire cities of people who don't believe will suffer a fate worse than that of Sodom and Gomorra (Mark 6:11). Jesus told us that God, who we already knew is subject to violent episodes, will take "vengeance on them that know not God" by burning them forever "in flaming fire" (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9).
All of these descriptions, friends, every last one of them, comes straight from the New Testament. And we know that every single word of the New Testament was inspired by Jesus, Himself. Is Jesus Mr. Lovey-Dovey-turn the other cheek-Goodie-Two-Shoes, like all these demonic liberals would have us believe? Not at all. Countless New Testament passages show Jesus was as vengeful, angry and violent as his Father, perhaps more so. Of course, if you ignore these thousands of Bible passages and just focus on the one -- John 3:16 -- you can live in a fantasy world believing you are going to Heaven even though 587 other verses say you'll burn for eternity in Hell. Like the ostrich, these John 3:16 liberals stick their heads in the sand, refusing to accept the remainder of the New Testament. Well, I have news for them. That sand won't protect them from the giant flames which will one day engulf their bodies -- flames sent by each member of the Holy Trinity, Jesus included.
Bishop Wood, take it from here.
Post by midcan5 on Mar 13, 2005 9:34:19 GMT -5
"John Wayne wasn't the inspiration behind core Americana. Rather he represented core Americana, which existed long before he was even born."
That IS what I wrote. And how do you know I can't kick your ass? Are you so sure since you are hardly know me. But cyber macho talk is a real waste of bandwidth. You forget America was founded by sensitive folks who were willing to say they wanted better and fought for it. Not by machismo for the sake of machismo but people with values and ideas. Those ideas have keep us free not your warlike mentality.
"Sensitive, "down to earth" liberals like you wouldn't stand a chance if left to your own devices in a catastrophe. America is a pure example of evolution, namely, only the strong survive. You laugh at strength because you have none. Where would you be without your social programs, public healthcare, or therapy sessions? In the grave, that's where. You demand help because you need help. You're kept alive by staying on the easy road. Words like honor are truly beyond your understanding."
I love that statement. Again you don't know me but you can jump to bullshit statements like that? Proves you don't think but only carry these stereotypes to help you understand. Two questions? show me the tough righties, Nam veterans etc who fought for this country and not just spewing vocal nonsense. Leave McCain out, he is the only one I can think of and he is hardly conservative. Then tell how you, Patriot, produce your food, built the paths you travel on, the guns you have, the job you have, the schools you teach in, the dams or levees you built. Since only sensitive liberals need society I am interested? Oh and why are you using the internet a sensitive liberal, Gore helped build? Seems a little hypocritical or did you create the internet too? Tell me all these things I am interested.
Post by Ian on Mar 13, 2005 10:49:14 GMT -5
Do you mean King Rat? Oh my God, he's bringing up the "Gore invented the internet" argument. Gore also said he read the entire tax code so...
Post by midcan5 on Mar 13, 2005 10:58:38 GMT -5
I have to say I read your post above waiting for the moment when you say this is just a joke. But that never came. You cannot be serious but I guess maybe you are. I thought after the dark ages that those who thought like you were historical aberrations and that eventually mankind would abandon a faith of condemnation. I especially laughed over the fact those who engage in pre martial sex will not go to heaven, that pretty much rules out all normal people. Too funny. Your god is a sad one but really one cannot called a concept used to explain first cause sad it is really the person who preaches such nonsense who is sad. Contained in just one paragraph of your post is an enormous amount of bigotry.
"Does merely believing Jesus is the son of God mean you'll go to Heaven? Of course not. If Adolf Hitler believed Jesus is the son of God, does that mean he's in Heaven notwithstanding all the American soldiers he killed? Of course not. If Lee Harvey Oswald believed Jesus is the son of God, does that mean he's in Heaven despite killing a President of the United States? Of course not. If O.J. Simpson believes Jesus is the son of God, does that mean he's going to Heaven even though he married a white woman? Of course not."
Did not Hitler exterminate Jews? And murder is not bad but marrying a white woman is? Is your god a white fascist racist? Seems so. Funny I was taught God was love not hate. Maybe you had a tough childhood and need to revisit those feeling and come to a God of compassion. Imagine for a moment a god who follows your interpretation of the bible? He/she/it makes the Islamic God look like a saint. Makes one want to join a Buddhist sect and swear off any hope for mankind.
Universalism or whatever one wants to call it is coming. Globalism is its recent incarnation. I now work with India as much as with some in the US some days so I see it first hand. It does not mean we cannot respect others but the ideals of democracy are very appealing as they include the individual person and the desires they have to live a good life and work hard to pass that on. Democracy carries within it the core principles of possible change. One needs to recognize that we are in an early time of human history and if we do not blow ourselves to kingdom come the earth will be a very different place 100 or 200 years from now. Let's hope we pass on a good faith and a good God for those who find comfort in religion. Your god needs to be consigned to the past when simple ideas were all men knew.
Post by midcan5 on Mar 13, 2005 11:03:41 GMT -5
Myths die hard. "Gore never claimed that he "invented" the Internet, which implies that he engineered the technology. The invention occurred in the seventies and allowed scientists in the Defense Department to communicate with each other. In a March 1999 interview with Wolf Blitzer, Gore said, "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet." But the real question is what, if anything, did Gore actually do to create the modern Internet? According to Vincent Cerf, a senior vice president with MCI Worldcom who's been called the Father of the Internet, "The Internet would not be where it is in the United States without the strong support given to it and related research areas by the Vice President in his current role and in his earlier role as Senator." The inventor of the Mosaic Browser, Marc Andreesen, credits Gore with making his work possible. He received a federal grant through Gore's High Performance Computing Act. The University of Pennsylvania's Dave Ferber says that without Gore the Internet "would not be where it is today." www.perkel.com/politics/gore/internet.htm
Post by Ian on Mar 13, 2005 11:17:07 GMT -5
ArchBishopJohnson, I have to say I read your post above waiting for the moment when you say this is just a joke. But that never came. Please, midcan, sometimes the absurdity of a comment implies a certain degree of sarcasm. Do you need everything spelled out for you? I wonder if Arch Bishop Wood may also be serious???
Post by Ian on Mar 13, 2005 11:20:10 GMT -5
By the way, Arch Bishop Johnson's words sound suspiciously like those of the great Harry Hardwick!